Classes: You may cancel at any time. Thirty days notice is appreciated but not required. Some of our classes fill up. Therefore you must actually cancel so we know we have an available spot in the class. Payment for any future cancelled classes will be refunded or credited, but any past missed classes will not. Do not just stop coming without giving us notice and then expect to be refunded or credited for that time. You are paying for your spot in the class whether you use it or not, and we were here for you. Late monthly payment and persistent absences do not constitute cancellation. We are assuming you are coming for the entire term, until we hear otherwise, even if you have only paid for a month so far. Also do not just stop payments at your bank. Call us! We can stop your payments and withdraw you from the class. You are not hostage to the full term of the class, and we will be nice about it if you are not continuing.
Birthday party cancellations: We provide a full refund if cancelling your booking more than 3 weeks in advance. Cancellations made closer to the time will receive credit towards drop-in gym play time, or any other activity that we offer. No-shows forfeit their deposit. If you cannot make it, please call us at 604-795-6009 or email the office at chwkgymdance@gmail.com.
Missed Classes
Gymnastics: Due to the fact that most of our classes are full, we can no longer offer replacement classes when you miss class. However, you can make up your missed class by coming to a drop-in gym play time. No refunds for missed classes, even if you notify us in advance. You are paying for your spot in the class. If you prefer to come once in a while, you should register as a drop-in to a class that still has room and pay the drop-in price.
Exception: If we are unexpectedly closed and not here for you then the refund option applies. Examples: closures due to Provincial Health Orders, power outages, or snow days. You may choose make up classes, credits, refunds, or any other creative solution you may come up with.
Dance: For dance classes we will usually schedule a make up class in the case of health orders or snow days or instructor illness (we will try to find a sub first before cancelling class).
Snow Days
We usually open if we are able to be here, sometimes even if the schools are closed. We live close by. We make our own decisions because most of the time the schools are making the call 10 hours before we are starting our classes, and lots could change in that time. It is unusual for us to cancel gymnastics classes, but it does happen. Check our Facebook page and/or your emails for updates. If you do not feel it is safe for you to drive but we are open, we are happy to provide make up classes the same as if you were ill. Dance classes may be rescheduled or make up classes provided.
Gymnastics terms are usually 5 months. Term 1 is September to January, and Term 2 is February to June. Dance terms are usually 10 months September to June.
There are some exceptions of shorter term classes such as 8 week adult dance or camps, or summer classes. When you sign up for classes we are assuming that you will be attending for the entire term unless you tell us otherwise. Please let us know if you are here for only a couple of months. We are OK with this, as long as we know, otherwise we are holding your spot for you for no reason.
You may pay for your term all up front or make installments. If you choose to make equal monthly installments, please realize there may not always be the same number of classes each month. Most months will have 4 classes, but many will have 5, and usually in December there will only be 3. This does not affect the monthly amount because your monthly amount is an installment of the term fee, regardless of how many classes are in any given month.
Prorated Fees for Late enrollment
Yes, we will prorate your fees. If you start in October, you will not be charged for September. If you start with only 3 classes remaining in the month, you will only pay for 3 classes that month before starting the regular monthly fee schedule. If you are registering online, be aware that the online portal program prorates only by month. If you sign up on the last day of the month, the system will still charge you for that month. It is better to wait until the 1st of the month. No worries if you don't, though. Our office staff can manually adjust your account after you register. You may want to claim that last spot in the class right away, and we will make it right. Likewise if you register online mid-month. Office staff can make the manual adjustment in your account after the fact if you mention it to them.
We charge an annual $20 registration/membership fee. The term for this runs for 12 months starting at any time during the year. Family rate: $35 per family.
In addition, we are members of Gymnastics BC and require each gymnast to purchase annual Gymnastics BC membership and insurance. The 2024-25 price for this is $44 and includes membership in Gymnastics BC, Gymnastics Canada, and personal injury insurance. The term for this runs September to August. Discounts for GymBC Insurance available for short-term attendance: first visit: no charge; 2-8 visits or summer only: $16; 9+ visits: full annual fee.
We require a waiver for each gymnastics or dance student, which is on our paper registration form as well as on our online portal. In addition to that, Gymnastics BC requires a waiver to be signed by anyone participating in gymnastics activities – even the parents helping with Parent and Tot classes. Gymnastics BC waivers need to be signed before entering the gym for the first time.
Dance Costumes
Costumes are required for participation in dance competitions, parades, and in the year-end show/recital in June. We encourage all students to participate.
We make an effort to keep costume costs down to $40 - $75 per dancer per dance. Some could be a bit more or cheaper. Most costumes are available for rent. Rental price is $16 per full costume for the 2024-25 season.
Most of our costumes are purchased from a costume company.
It is the teacher's choice whether you will be expected to find or sew your own costume, rent from the studio, buy one on your own that the teacher has chosen, or buy one that the teacher or studio has purchased.
We do not participate in any gymnastics competitions.
We do participate in some local dance competitions. If your dancer has been invited by the teacher to participate
in a competition, you have the right to accept or decline. Entry fees apply. $23 - $100 per student in 2024 at competitions, depending on whether it is a group, trio, duo, or solo entry. Plus extra admin costs and rental of rehearsal space. Fees due Jan each year for competitions happening in Feb - May.
We do not require dancers to take certain classes in order to compete. No ballet requirement, no minimum number of classes. We believe competitions are for fun and should be accessible to all dancers. We will enter your group in a competition that offers a category in your skill and experience level.
Class Cancellations
We reserve the right to cancel any class that does not have adequate enrollment. Usually we won't make the decision to cancel a class that has at least one registration until the second month into the term. Therefore you can be assured that if you sign up, you will get your class for at least a month.
Statutory Holidays and Special Days
January 1 - New Year's Day - Closed
Family Day - No regular classes, but we have a special Family Day program
Good Friday - Closed
Easter Weekend Saturday - all programs are running normally
Easter Sunday - Closed
Easter Monday - all programs are running normally
Mother's Day - birthday party availability until 3 pm only. 3-4 pm drop-in gym open.
Victoria Day Monday - closed
Father's Day - all birthday party spots available. Drop in gym open.
July 1 - Canada Day - Closed
Entire BC Day Weekend - Closed
Labour Day - Closed
Sept 30 - National Day for Truth and Reconciliation - closed
Thanksgiving Sunday - morning birthdays only. 3-4 pm drop-in gym open.
Thanksgiving Monday - closed
Nov 11 - Remembrance Day - closed
If school holidays occur before Dec 21 we remain open until Dec 21 so everyone gets 3 classes in December.
Check newsletters for specific holiday schedules.
Dec 24 - Christmas Eve - closed
Dec 25 - Christmas Day - closed
Dec 22 - Jan 6 check with the office or website blog for specifics of drop in times and class closures.
Dec 31 - New Year's Eve - check whether we have enough staff to run our Family New Year's Eve party this year!