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Our Snow Policies


You can find all of our policies on our policy page here, including what we do with snow days. Here is is, copied and pasted from the policy page:

Snow Days

We usually open if we are able to be here, sometimes even if the schools are closed. We live close by. We make our own decisions because most of the time the schools are making the call 10 hours before we are starting our classes, and lots could change in that time. It is unusual for us to cancel gymnastics classes, but it does happen. Check our Facebook page and/or your emails for updates. If you do not feel it is safe for you to drive but we are open, we are happy to provide make up classes the same as if you were ill. Dance classes may be rescheduled or make up classes provided.

Note: the easiest way for us to get the word out quickly is on Facebook. It is recommended that you follow and check our Chilliwack Gymnastics Club page as well as our Chilliwack Dance School page. If you are a dancer with us, we recommend you also request to join our Facebook Group (not the same as the Page).

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